Chasing A Book Jun 18, 2020
There is, of course, no corporal punishment around our house, but when things are getting too out of line there is one threat I can be heard to...
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Making Movies Jun 11, 2020
I had a housemate in college who observed that once you spend a certain amount of time on a particularly focused task, it takes a comparable amount...
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The Point Is Not To Write Great Music Jun 04, 2020
It would have been my dad's 85th birthday last week. I inherited my share of traits from him, including, as far as I can tell, a certain desire to...
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Narrowing The Field May 28, 2020
Attempting to decipher the hard bop masters has often felt like a sustained, intentional effort to decode a seemingly impenetrable art. Given the...
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Schroeder Gets The Last Word May 21, 2020
I grew up in a house with basically three kinds of music: Tin Pan Alley tunes, folk revival records, and an assortment of Bach, Beethoven and...
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The Flying Car May 15, 2020
Even before the pandemic, I was considered the tech and fixit guy in my house. Which is not a good sign. I do know how to fix things, sort of, but...
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Coffee and Fireworks May 07, 2020
I used to play with this drummer and songwriter named Dave Bush in New York, and to keep things clear, our mutual musician friends referred to us...
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Boundaries and Creativity Apr 30, 2020
Some friends of mine have just started a new songwriting group. I've done live song groups before – this new one, in fact, is inspired by...
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