In Which A Notebook Kicks My Ass chord substitutions fingerstyle blues Nov 16, 2017

So I'm trying to learn how to play the piano. I tried once before, my sophomore year in college, and one semester was enough to send me scrambling...

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Jazz Chords For Fingerstyle Blues In A chord substitutions fingerstyle blues Sep 20, 2017

Jazz Algebra

The little mom 'n pop music store where I took guitar lessons in high school is a real estate office now. And Jeff W., my high school...

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Freddie Green Voicings For Blues In E chord substitutions chord voicings fingerstyle blues freddie green Aug 02, 2017
Surfing Makes You Hungry
I had a surfing lesson today. It was my first one ever, and I have to say, this teacher, Isaac, was really good. We...
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