Registration Closes Tonight

Apr 01, 2021

The window for the membership
Is closing soon, so if you skip

This signup round, you will not be
A part of things immediately

And that is cool. I'd never say
This method is the only way

To wrap your hands around the strings
And make them do the kinds of things

You have in mind. To improvise,
For instance, may not be the prize

For you. Or  building repertoire?
That might not be your polar star

Arranging tunes could also not
Be the obsession that you've got

And if that's so, then trust me, I
Would absolutely be the guy

To say "Forget it!" Nobody
Should waste their time and energy

On licks and scales and notes and chords
They do not dig (or can't afford)

So if you know it's not for you
You may have left at stanza two

But if you are still with me here
Allow me to make one thing clear:

The registration page will close
Tonight, and so, if you suppose

The membership might suit your plans
Please sign up now while you still can

Information, Registration